What if I told you that the biggest obstacle between you and your savings– IS YOU!
Think about it.
You make a decent salary.
And you’re able to pay all your bills.
But, you have no emergency fund! No nest egg! And no extra cash flow.
So, what’s the problem?
Sorry to say it but — you are!
Chances are, you don’t know where your money is going!
For example, this writer was surprised to learn how much money her sister spends on her beverage budget. Wait…what?
You heard right! Between the coffees, the smoothies, and the alcohol, she was spending at least $250 a month on beverages.
Extravagant spending like that is the exact reason that so many of us can’t save money!
The problem is that we don’t always understand how to prioritize our spending.
We tend to get too caught up in our immediate gratification. And don’t focus enough on our securing our future.
So, how do you fix the problem? It’s simple!
- Get to work on your Emergency ASAP! And my post on How To Boost Your Emergency Fund With Little Money can get you started.
- You need to learn how to hide money — from yourself!
You probably wondering…” how in the heck can I hide money from myself?”
Great question!
Fortunately, I have a great answer!
Remember this old saying?
“Out of sight, out of mind.”
Well, guess what? That works both ways! So…“in your sight” means “in your mind.”
But don’t worry! I have some great ideas to help you protect your money — from you!
Table of Contents
9 Smart Ideas On How To Save Money And Keep It Safe From Yourself
1.Keep Savings And Checking Accounts At Separate Banks.
I was notorious for robbing my own savings account! Because I would quickly transfer money from my savings every time my checking account fell short.
Needless to say, I could never save anything! I needed to break that cycle. So, I began using separate banks.
Do you know why that worked so well? Because driving from bank to bank is a major hassle!
It takes planning. It takes effort. And it makes you think long and hard about why you need the money. Basically, it puts up a huge roadblock between you and your savings.
Personally, without my savings for back-up, I was forced to learn how to budget better. And, to monitor my checking account more closely.
Because it’s one thing for me to take money out of my own account. But I have a real problem when the bank does it in the form of overdraft fees.
Now my post on Why I Still Respect The “B” Word And So Should You”, shows exactly why we all need a budget!
2. Move Your Savings To A Bank You Don’t Routinely Visit.
This definitely kicks the difficulty level up a notch!
The ideal situation would be to use a bank or credit union that’s across town.
I know it sounds like a pain. But that’s the whole point!
You need a deterrent!
And you’re less likely to drive across town just to pull money out of your savings account — on a whim.
I’ll admit that it certainly slowed me down from making impulsive savings withdrawals!
So if you’re serious about wanting to save money, then you must keep your money out of easy reach.

3. Arrange For Direct Deposits Into Your Savings.
You’ve probably already heard a thousand times to Pay Yourself First!
And there’s a good reason for that. One big complaint that people often have is that after paying bills, there’s nothing left to save!
The solution?
Your savings need to come off the top! And, it needs to happen automatically — before you even see your paycheck.
Remember, out of sight, out of mind?
That’s why direct deposits can significantly help to jumpstart your savings.
And all you have to do is:
- Make arrangements through your bank or employer.
- Choose the amount you want to have deducted from each paycheck.
- Forget about the money and — Let it grow! Let it grow! (to the Frozen theme music, haha.)
Now watch this quick video to see just how simple it is.
See, I told you. Plus, when you save money automatically, you are much more likely to stick with it.
But what surprised me the most, is how easily I adjusted to having slightly smaller paychecks. Huh, go figure!
4. Use Technology To Trick Yourself And Save Money.

Here’s where the slogan, “There’s an App for that” can actually help you grow your savings!
If you’re a person who thinks that it’s impossible to save money then try an App like Acorns.
It works by rounding up your spare change to the nearest dollar every time you buy something.
Then, it automatically invests that change into your Acorns account.
It’s so jaw-droppingly easy that this woman ended up saving $116 in 2 months — without even trying!
Be aware that there is a $1 monthly fee for accounts with less than $5,000. But college student can use the App free for up to four years.
The cool thing is, that it’s a sneaky way to hide money from yourself, even when you think you can’t save.
5. Eliminate ATM Cards From Your Savings Account.

If you have an ATM card attached to your savings account…get rid of it!
That’s like dangling a carrot in front of a hungry rabbit!
All it takes is for your friends to invite you for lunch or drinks when you’re broke, then bam! Next thing you know, you’re pulling out the credit card or running straight to the ATM. Either way, not good!
So the safest thing for you…is not to even have that option.
But, if you don’t like the idea of completely removing your savings account from the ATM card, then at least do the following…
PRO Saving Tip: Set a low limit for ATM cash withdrawals. For example, you’re only allowed to withdraw a maximum of $20 per day from the ATM. So if you need more money than that, then you’ll have to:
- Get out of your car.
- Go inside the bank.
- Fill out a form.
- Walk up to a teller, and withdraw the cash.
Again, this can be annoying, inconvenient, and requires much more deliberate effort.
So in other words, it’s Perfect! We’re keeping your money safer by the day!
6. Do Not Shop With Credit Cards In Your Wallet.

Lead us not into temptation…
Matthew 6:13
Credit cards are like catnip for impulse buyers and overspenders!
One of the safest ways to protect your money from yourself — is to leave the credit cards at home!
Better yet, consider locking them up in a safe deposit box. Or, not getting any at all to destroy the temptation altogether.
One of the common misconceptions people have is that they need credit cards to build credit. The truth is, there are other ways.
And quite often, credit cards are how we do the most damage to our credit through:
- Late fees.
- High-interest rates.
- Carryover balances each month.
- Increased risk of overspending.
But, don’t take my word for it on the pitfalls of credit cards. I’ll just let Dave Ramsey give you the real 4-1-1!
Dave does not sugar coat the facts! And when you think about his comments logically — he makes perfect sense! I guess that’s why he’s the guru!
7. Carry Cash To Curb Your Spending Impulse
Ever gone through the grocery checkout, gotten ready to pay, and then realized that you didn’t have enough money?
Admit it! It has happened to all of us.
So what do you do?
You immediately begin assessing your items. Then, you only choose the ones that you absolutely need. And you tell the clerk to put the rest back!
Welcome to the beauty of cash! It’s your best friend when you want to hide money from yourself. Because you can’t buy a $100 pair of shoes with a $50 bill!
In other words, you should only carry the amount of cash with you that you have already budgeted to spend.
And here’s the best part. It will never charge you interest. It will never charge you late fees. And it will never let you overspend!
Because once it’s gone, it’s gone!
8. Give Your Money To Someone You Trust.

This could be your secret weapon for saving money.
I know your immediate reaction is probably…” she can’t be serious!”
But oh yes my friend, I am beyond serious!
This truly works! And let me tell you how I know.
My sister at times can be an impulse buyer, an overspender, and a shopaholic all rolled up into one.
As you can imagine, she is terrible at saving money.
So one year when she was pregnant, she knew she was going to be out of work for a few months. And she also knew that it was crucial for her to figure out how to save money to continue paying her bills.
That ‘s when she made a Genius move!
She took a large portion of her tax refund and gave it to me to hold for her. Why? First of all, because she knew that I was trustworthy enough to save it. Second of all, because she also knew that SHE wasn’t!
And when the time came for her to be off work, her money was intact and waiting. I told you — Genius!
There are three reasons why I think this tip is so effective:
- You have someone to help hold you accountable for saving.
- You’ll be too embarrassed to ask for the money ahead of time without an exceptionally good reason.
- You don’t want to get called out on your BS. So you’re less likely to ask for the money ahead of the agreed upon time or event.
So this might be just the kick in the pants motivation you need to get your savings ball rolling!
9. Stash Your Cash In A Retirement Account.
Do you want to know an iron-clad way of hiding money from yourself? Then put it towards your retirement!
Just thinking about the hurdles you have to jump through to take money out of a 401K or IRA account is enough to make anyone say…fuhgeddaboutit!
Plus, you’ll also have to deal with steep penalties for early withdrawals. And nobody wants that!
So this could very well be the perfect marriage between hiding money from yourself and saving for your future goals.
*Related Post: 6 Surefire Steps To Stop Dreaming And Start Achieving Your Money Goals Now!
Other accounts where you can hide money from yourself are Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) or employee stock purchase plans (ESPP).
Now, which steps will you take to keep your money safe? Or, if you have any great tricks up your sleeve, I’d love to hear about it!
Attempting to remove money from any of these types of accounts usually involves:
- Contacting the investment institution.
- Requesting a withdrawal.
- Explaining why you need the money.
- Then waiting several days or weeks to get the funds.
Why bother?
The Takeaway
Okay, so now you know that saving money isn’t as impossible as you may have thought!
The secret is that you have to trick yourself into keeping your money safe from yourself.
And the best ways to hide money from yourself is by making it extremely difficult to access.
Just think. When the hassle and frustration factor goes up! The probability of withdrawing cash goes down!
So that means, your money is far more likely to stay well hidden from any impulse spending decisions.
Now, which steps will you take to keep your money safe? Or, if you have any great tricks up your sleeve, I’d love to hear about it!
Great advice! I love the idea of “tricking” yourself out of spending money. 😊 I totally agree that not taking credit cards and having to use cash when shopping. It really is a smart idea. It’s much harder to part with cash!
Thanks so much! I think finding ways to trick yourself into saving may be the best option for so many people who feel it’s impossible to save.
I find that buying a frozen item you don’t like and emptying the container and putting cash in the freezer bc if you don’t like the food your less likely to touch it
That sounds like a great trick for hiding money! Thanks for sharing!
Carrying cash is one way I curb spending! I want to use the other tips you gave so I can save more!
All of these tips have worked for me and I certainly hope that work for you as well! 🙂
Wow wonderful money saving tips. I love the idea about giving your money to someone you trust. What a clever idea.
Thank you! It’s true that a trusted money buddy can definitely help to hold you accountable.
This information is terrific! Wish this was easier to actually do! But it is completely worth it!
Hi, and you’re right it’s not always easy, which is why so many people don’t save. So the trick is to make it harder to access the money and then you’ll get so annoyed that you’ll stop won’t try as often. 🙂
Great tips on how to hide cash from yourself. I love the idea of having checking and savings accounts at different banks.
It can be a big inconvenience using separate banks. But for people who keep robbing your savings account as I did, it can be a great savings solution!
Some excellent ideas. I definitely feel less inclined to spend money if I have to hand over notes and coins compared to handing over my credit card.
Yes, cash can be an overspender’s best friend!
These are awesome tips! I’m going to look into Acorn, sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing DeShena!
Thank you Sabrina! Acorns works for so many people and I hope it can help you save more as well!
That’s very ibterintere and creative way to save money. 🙂 But at the end of the day, self control and discipline is the key. In the meantime, we do need to do whatever is necessary to achieve our financial goals.
I definitely agree! Thanks for reading!
You have some great tips. I definitely need to start hiding money from myself.
LOL, sometimes tricking ourselves into saving is the only way to save!
I LOVE these tips and this is probably my third tome hearing about acorns so I’m going to take that as a sign that maybe I should look into it! I literally NEVER have money to save but taking money to put in my savings FIRST is a GREAT idea!
I learned many years ago that if you don’t take out your savings first, then you’ll never save! Even if it’s just $5 a week or a paycheck…at least it’s $5 saved! Do that 4 times and suddenly you’ve got $20! That’s the way I had to look at it. And as time goes on it will encourage you to find more ways to save more and more.
Great tips! I have implemented a few similar strategies. I love the Acorn tip, I will be looking that one up right away. Thanks for sharing!
You’re very welcome! Thanks for reading!
It really isnt easy. I have learned separate accounts that come out of my paycheck and I never see is the safest way to go.
Personally, I have never had an issue with using separate banks. And the idea is to make things a bit more tricky to access your money and in turn, you end up saving more. But if separate banks aren’t for you please give any of the other tips a try. If you keep working on it eventually you’ll find what works for you!
Great tips! I struggle with overspending, so these are things I can put into practice and really beef up our savings!
Oh yes, resisting the temptation to overspend is a daily struggle for so many of us! But in my case, every time I do resist, my savings account thanks me for my restraint, lol!
I really appreciate your post! These are simple, practical ways to save money that truly anyone can do. I am already doing some, by I’ll have to implement some of your other suggestions as well!
Thank you! You’re right that they are very simple to do. And they actually do work! It’s just a matter of making the decision and doing it!
Awesome ideas DeShena! Keeping savings in separate banks worked just fine for me so I totally relate to this advice!
Thanks, Ivan! It definitely worked for me as well!
That is a great tip Marianna! I used to do that as well when my daughter was small. And she would end up with more money saved than I did!
These are really smart and practical ideas. Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ Let me know if you are interested in doing collabs! xx
I’m glad you enjoyed my tips. I would love to know more about the collab.!
You can check out the offers in our Collaboration section at Phlanx! https://phlanx.com/collaborations You can also check us out at Instagram @phlanxglobal
I’ll check, thanks.
I needed to read this SO badly. I feel like managing my money is something I am constantly trying to figure out. Thank you for this!
OMG, I love hearing that you found my post useful! Managing money effectively is a skill. And learning to manage money is definitely a process that involves trial and error. Somethings work well for one person while something else works better for others. But don’t give up! Keep reading, learning, and trying and you will definitely figure it out!
Thanks so much for sharing these tips. I am doing a few of these but will try some more of these out. I am also a Dave Ramsey fan. Obsessed with his podcast!
You’re welcome Kelly, and Dave Ramsey is the guru so you definitely can’t go wrong listening to him! Thanks for commenting!
Great tips! Where was this blog in my 20s? 🙂 Finally climbing out of some major debt and it feels so good.
Hi Kristen! You know, I could have used this blog in my 20’s as well. It might have saved me from a whole lot of debt disasters! And climbing out of debt does feel good! But being 100% Debt-Free feels even better! Thanks for your comment!
Girl I needed this like last year! I’ve done 1, 2 and 3 I guess I need to up the ante because believe me I have struggled and still is sometimes.
I know the feeling Kimberley! It took me many failed attempts before it finally stuck. Don’t give up, it will eventually stick!
Nice tips, thanks!
You’re welcome! Thanks for reading!
Definitely one of my favorite posts I’ve read in a while! I LOVE this idea and will definitely be implementing this strategy of hiding my money from myself lol. Direct deposit I think will be my way to go, so I don’t make excuses to keep it 😂
Thanks so much, Adriana. Yes, direct deposit is definitely the first line of defense against finding reasons not to save.
I also believe that we should maintain a savings account at a different bank than that of our checking account. Out of sight, out of mind. For it to serve its purpose.
I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for your comment!
Very good blog! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any tips? Thank you!
Thank you, and yes it is overwhelming when you’re starting out, especially if you’re trying to learn things on your own. There is so much to know and it does get frustrating. However, just be patient and you’ll get there. I’ve had my site for two years and currently, I still use a free WordPress site. I’m frugal, lol. It has worked out fine for me so far. So, if you want to test the waters then going the free route is perfectly fine. I did write a step-by-step post to help out beginners who were clueless like I was about starting a website. Check it out, maybe it can help. 🙂 https://extravagantlybroke.com/how-to-start-a-blog-the-right-way-in-7-easy-steps/
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