Do you want an interesting side hustle that you enjoy?

Photo of butterfly and flower with money quote r/t side hustle.

Hey There,

Have you got a minute? Great! Because I’d like to share a bit of Money Motivation with you.

I’m sure you’ve heard all the hype surrounding side hustles, right?

I mean who hasn’t? Aside from their great flexibility, they have also become one of the most effective ways to help boost your income.

In fact, they are so popular that if you’re not already doing one, then you’re most likely considering it.

But, you may also have realized that not all side hustles are created equal. And what works for your neighbor, may not work for you.

After all, you may not like detailing cars or flipping houses!

And one of the most challenging things people struggle with is finding the right side job for you!

I’ve certainly been there! I’ve tried numerous side hustles before I discovered something that actually spoke to me. (Which are writing and blogging in my case.)

So, how do you find the perfect, interesting side hustle that you actually enjoy…or dare I say,  even LOVE to do?

Not to worry, I’ve got you covered.

Criteria For The Perfect Side Hustle

1. What DO you enjoy doing?

Do you have any special skills or particular hobbies that you love? These can make an excellent foundation for starting a side hustle or even a side business.

The number one goal for any side business to succeed is that you must be passionate about it.

Because starting a side business takes work. And if you actually enjoy the work, then you’re much more likely to stick with it.

One perfect example is “The Bee Lady.” While working as an internet marketer, her real passion was to be a beekeeper.

woman in beekeepers suit r/t side hustle

She was fascinated with bees for years and even took classes and read books.

Eventually, her boyfriend got tired of hearing about it. So he bought her a beehive and basically told her to stop talking about it and start doing it (I may be ad-libbing a bit here).

So she did! And that was the start of what turned out to be a lucrative business.

2. Ask yourself, Who can you help?

You must have a market for your service because this is your target audience.

For Example:

  • Helping busy working women plan an affordable workweek wardrobe.
  • Providing sensible party ideas to moms on a budget.
  • Helping beginning bloggers improve their social media sites.

For “the bee lady,” once she began telling people about her beekeeping hobby, then other people also wanted to know how to do it.

So she began a side hustle business of helping people set up their own hives, while she continued to work full-time. And she also started selling her honey locally, then eventually online.

3. Is Flexibility Important?

Now here is where the difference comes between side hustle or side job.

Side hustles are basically like starting your own side business. You’re always in control of how much time you put into it.

Whereas, most side jobs involve working for other people and may include having scheduled shifts.

Is that what you’re looking for?

If so, you may find the best flexibility with ride-sharing companies like Uber. Or try grocery delivery service companies like Instacart.

4. Is It A Business You Can Grow?

Remember the days of envelope stuffing or doing data entry from home?

Yeah, chances are you’ll never get rich doing those things!

On the other hand, starting a blog or a YouTube channel are definitely things with unlimited earning possibilities.

This YouTube video on knitting for beginners has over 5 million views. WHAT?? Crazy, right! I mean, who knew?

And think about it! Throw in some affiliate marketing. Add in a little advertising. VOILA! Now, just imagine the amazing passive income potential!

But going back to “the bee lady,” her side hustle became very profitable.  She was able to quit her day job and do her beekeeping business full-time.

And all because she loved bees.

But If you’re having trouble coming up with an idea of your own, then Side Hustle Nation provided this great list of 99 Side Business ideas.


If you want to earn extra cash and you also want more flexibility, then a side hustle or side business may be the way to go.

It needs to be something you love. And hopefully something you’re good at doing.

Then, as NIKE says…Just Do It! No more excuses.

What are your thoughts about choosing a side hustle? Leave me a comment below. I’d love to hear from you! 🙂


  1. Choose a side hustle.
  2. Check out this post on how to set goals

Until Next Time!

closing script

~ DeShena

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