A scarcity mindset can be difficult to unlearn. Find out how Hannah pushes through generational scarcity to pursue her ambitious goals.


Image of Hannah r/t scarcity mindset

Hannah describes herself as an ambitious woman and a project manager in everything she does. Now she works as a COO, runs a project management agency, and is working towards her goal of full-time entrepreneurship for herself and financial independence for her husband.

Related Post: How Sara Overcame Financial Traumas To Pursue Her Ambitious Goals

Listen To The Full Episode:


00:00 Show update

01:54 Introduction

05:10 Hannah’s background with money

08:30 Inheriting the trauma of a scarcity mindset

11:15 Understanding privilege

18:44 Finding the balance between spending and saving money

22:30 Time vs. Waste

28:00 Finding her passion

33:30 Hannah’s Ambitious Goal

36:30 The concept of financial independence

50:42 Things Hannah can do to help her reach her goals

54:30 Is it more financially sound to be married or unmarried?

57:00 Hannah’s advice to women who feel stuck

60:00 Where to find Hannah


  1. Comparing yourself to other people can lead you to create a false narrative that you don’t have enough — when in actuality, you have everything you need.
  2. You have to have a balance between spending money now and saving for the future because you still need to enjoy your life today.
  3. Life shouldn’t just be about work. But when we work, it should be a positive improvement to our lives and the people around us. It should be about creating a joyful life.
  4. For women, it’s important to talk about money and to have transparency with money.
  5. It’s crucial to have your own money and your own accounts. Make sure your name is on everything, like the deed to the mortgage. So that you have options and


  1. Reducing her family’s expenses.
  2. Increasing her income.
  3. Trying to build wealth through Real Estate (selling houses and buying rental properties)
  4. Working on her spreadsheet side hustle to create passive income
  5. Having aggressive savings goals, with HSA and maxing out retirement accounts
  6. Learning from other women through Facebook groups


For more details about the Women with Ambition podcast, visit  ExtravagantlyBroke.com/podcast