When you find your passion, would you be willing to give up your high income and step out on faith to go after it? Well, that’s exactly what Cynthia did. In this episode, she opens up about her challenges with a troubled relationship and her triumphs. Hear how Cynthia became a real estate boss and how she is helping other women do the same.
Table of Contents

Cynthia Spirlin, J.D. has worked in the Real Estate industry for 30 years, gaining experience in creative solutions to real estate in default properties. From 2002- 2008 she negotiated short sales to buy discounted properties before the auction. Her most successful negotiation was a $200,000 reduction on a $550,000 first mortgage. From 2009 – 2014, Cynthia trained paralegals and attorneys to use the HAMP program to save homes from foreclosure. In 2016, she started exploration in the benefits of tax liens and deed investing. Since 2018, she has been sharing her passion for tax sales investing. The best part is helping women investors to secure their future and create a legacy. Outside of creative real estate investing, Cynthia enjoys golf, pilates, and mediation.
Related Post: How To Ease Your Way Into Investing For Beginners
Listen To The Full Episode Below:
00:30 Introduction
03:05 The two sides of money
09:47 Role modeling how to handle money to children
15:56 Money challenges after divorce – marrying an asset
22:30 The Hunger for Real Estate
28:00 Be ready to take advantage of an opportunity
43:30 Cynthia’s Ambitious Goal
49:36 Cynthia’s Actions
51:00 Facing challenges
55:08 Stepping out on faith to pursue her ambitious goals
102:02 Cynthia’s Advice for women
- It’s important to be careful and preserve money so pay yourself first. But always have some fun money.
- When you have an abundance mindset, you don’t worry about money. You will always have enough, and God will provide.
- Time is the most precious thing you can give to your kids! More than money and toys.
- When you work for someone, don’t just go there for the paycheck. You are going to learn something so you can use that information in the future.
- The most powerful thing you can do is ask questions.
- Practice investing with a small amount of money to start learning.
- Listen to the ideas that come to you. They could turn into a money-making business.
- When you have an idea, know that God gave you that idea. And act in confidence. Do one thing and just see what door will open. When you understand you are serving, you are not alone.
- Revamp her teaching materials
- Resume her mastermind program