Hi Friend,
My name is DeShena. And despite being a working professional, over the years I’ve fought an epic battle with money.
Now I wasn’t living like a pauper or anything. In fact, I lived in a nice suburban home with 2 or 3 cars in the driveway. My kids participated in extracurricular activities. And I would even go on the occasional family vacation.
Sound familiar?
Well, the truth is, I was in debt!
Until I finally got smart! I learned to control my finances by changing my mindset, attitude, and relationship with money.
So here’s my quick backstory of how things initially spiraled out of control.
My Debt Story
My financial troubles began during my first year of college.
But it was not due to student loans as you might expect. Instead, it started when a major credit card company sent representatives to the campus to sign students up for their card.
The only requirement was that you had to be actively enrolled in classes. You didn’t even need to have a job!
I remember the rep telling me that they like to approach college students early because one day they will be working professionals.
I didn’t think I would actually qualify, but the rep said that it wouldn’t hurt to apply. So I did!
And a few weeks later, I had my very first credit card. It was liberating in a sense, and it made me feel like a real grown-up.
I enjoyed walking into a store and being able to whip out my card to purchase items that I didn’t have the cash for. Unfortunately, I quickly caught the spending bug. And before I knew it, that initial $500 limit was all charged up.
But by then, I was hooked!
So I decided to try and apply for another card with a different company. Again, a few weeks later I had a new card. And before long there was another, and then another.
Needless to say, using credit cards can be quite addicting. Especially when you are young or inexperienced with money management.
Sometimes I think back to that representative’s words. And how he said that applying for a card wouldn’t hurt. He was wrong! It did hurt!
I suffered both financial and emotional stress. And it was the beginning of my downfall into the relentless spiral of debt.
Living an Extravagantly Broke Lie
By the time I graduated from college, I had plenty of credit card and student loan debt that I accumulated along the way.
I did receive a good paying job, but that did not help my situation at all. Because I still did not possess the right mindset for managing money effectively.
And just like so many other people, I lived beyond my means. Which of course, only perpetuated my debt crisis.
After all, being an adult or being a professional does not automatically make you money smart. Money management is a skill that must be learned. And unfortunately, we’re often left to learn on our own — the hard way.
In fact, most people are living in debt and in denial. They go about their daily lives appearing successful on the outside. All the while, hiding the ugly truth about our real financial status.
But, I have learned that many of the financial woes we all struggle with are not entirely our fault. Yes, we did create our own money mess, but often it’s because we were never taught any differently.
The Mindset of Money
Well, through a lot of ups and downs, over the years I’ve learned ways to improve my finances. My husband and I paid off our home. We’ve paid off vehicles. I’ve paid off student loans. And I’ve gone from drowning in debt to being almost completely debt free.
But my goal is not to only to get out of debt, I am also striving toward increase and abundance. I know that my life and my time are worth more than I have been accepting. And I believe in this message that…
Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got — Jim Rohn
I like to use this quote because it is very inspirational and meaningful. Think about it. If you don’t change how you are (which is — being in debt and broke), then you’ll always have what you’ve got (which is — being in debt and broke)!
That’s why the personal development aspect is so important. And as I work to improve my financial situation, I realize that I must change my way of thinking about money and my own value.
Because you must think differently — to do things differently.
I’ve learned to expect more from my life, and so should you. I’m going to tear down the obstacles in my path and live a life without limits. And the best time to make a change is right now!
So I created this blog as a way to learn, improve, and help others along the way on the path to financial independence.
So join me on the journey to Improve Self and Build Wealth.
It’s time to go from living an Extravagantly Broke Lie to living your Extravagantly Best Life!

Want to get in touch with me?
I’d love to hear from you!
Send me an email at DeShena@extravagantlybroke.com
Or click the link below, and let’s get started making your financial freedom dreams come true!