Being a stay-at-home mom is wonderful! But being a stay-at-home mom that also earns great money is fantastic!
So many moms debate over the decision to become a stay-at-home mom. Of course, you want to have more flexibility and time with your kids. But you’ve also got bills, right?
In this guest post, Dragana talks about some fabulous ways to earn money from home, which helped make her decision to become a stay-at-home mom a no-brainer.

Before I got married, I used to work in a supermarket.
Oh, how much I hated that job!
Don’t get me wrong – it has some good sides (great colleagues, working with people).
But all the other things got on my nerves all the time. Especially the shifts I had to work and having so little free time for myself.
I knew that I wanted to change something back then, but I didn’t know how to do it.
When I got married, I started reading more about digital nomads, and I adored them.
Year by year, I was pushing myself to change my boring life and become what I always wanted to be – free and independent! And then, the kids came. I became a mom of twins and immediately knew that I needed to finish what I had started!
So I began searching for ways to earn money from home, and finally – I became a full-time freelancer. And now I am chasing my dreams to become a blogger.
Table of Contents
Why did I choose to be a freelancer?

What I love the most about freelancing is the independence and freedom to have flexible working hours and the flexibility to choose with whom you want or do not want to work with. In my article How to Become a Successful Freelancer, I wrote about my road to becoming successful and what I learned along the way.
Having little kids who need me all the time and a husband who works a lot gave me more strength, and I became more focused on what I have to do! Yeah, being a twin mom is not an easy job.
But, women can do anything, we are powerful, and the love for our kids is stronger than anything. We can overcome all obstacles as we believe in miracles and ourselves!
There are so many ways to earn money as a stay-at-home mom. So I hope you will find inspiration in my words!
5 Different Ways to Earn Money as a Stay-at-home Mom

1. Be a Freelancer
Hey, that’s me!
I have already told you about my journey. Of course, you will need to be patient and work hard! But I am sure you can do it.
Try thinking about all things you are good at doing and are qualified for – for instance, writing, translating, graphics design, and even web development. The freelance market has so many categories. Research online marketplaces, such as Upwork and Fiverr, and choose the best for yourself.
Don’t forget that the competition is very high. You will be rejected, and you will need to work pretty hard to prove yourself.
But, trust me, it is worth it! Once you find good clients and big projects, you will earn enough money and have all flexibility you need to be a stay-at-home mom!
2. Become a Blogger

Another dream job for this mom!
I recently started blogging, and I hope to become a full-time blogger in the near future! You may wonder how a stay-at-home mom can earn money blogging? There are so many options you can do when you start your blog. I am sure you will find something that is a good fit for you. Here are a few options to consider:
* Affiliate marketing
While blogging, you can recommend products and services that you like and trust to your readers. If they click on the link in the post and order that particular product, you will earn a commission. Sometimes commissions can be small, but some programs pay pretty high commissions. The cool thing is that you don’t need to have your own product to succeed in affiliate marketing.
This is a great way to earn money when you are a stay-at-home mom because mostly, you don’t have to do anything. You just write a great post and let your blog traffic and your audience do the rest! Earning money while you sleep sounds perfect to me, don’t you think?!
* Ad Networks
When you are a brand new blogger, an excellent way to earn money is to apply for ad networks. A lot of bloggers use this method to monetize their blogs. But, again, the best thing is that you don’t have to do much. You simply place ads in your blog posts and write good posts to grow your audience and gain good traffic. Then, anytime someone clicks on those ads, you will earn money.
* Make Ebooks and Courses
This is the way many bloggers earn the most money. They create ebooks and courses and sell them online. It is not hard as it sounds.
First, you need to pick a topic you know the most about (usually bloggers choose to write about topics specific to their niche). Then, you can create an ebook on that topic and put it on sale. That’s it! You can sell it on your blog, Amazon, or both. The same goes for courses. However, selling a course on Amazon is a bit tricky. In any case, creating your own ebooks and courses are fantastic ways for a stay-at-home to earn passive income.
If you’ve been wanting to create a blog but don’t know where to start, check out these easy step-by-step instructions to help get you started. How To Start a Blog the Right Way in 7 Simple Steps.
3. Sell things online

I am sure we all have new and nearly new things which we don’t use anymore. So why not try to sell it?!
You can be at home with your kids, open an online shop, list all the items you have and… wait for the customers! This can be your easy side hustle while you work as a blogger and/or a freelancer, as I do. My decision was to sell printable things and social media templates online. So far, it’s going pretty well. I don’t need to invest anything. It takes very little time to create the products. And the best part is, I can do it while my kids are sleeping.

4. Become a Virtual Assistant

With so many companies offering remote positions, becoming a virtual assistant is a really great way to earn money while you’re a stay-at-home mom. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to work part-time (if you cannot commit yourself to a full-time job). And this kind of job can be both – full-time or part-time.
You can also be a Social Media Manager if you know how to use different platforms, such as Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, etc. This job can be pretty interesting and exciting. So why not do this while you cook your dinner or when your kids do their homework?! We all spend so many hours on some of these platforms, now we can earn money doing it! Super cool!
5, Become a Tutor

This is another great way to earn money as a stay-at-home mom!
If you have a background in education, that’s great! But even if you don’t, you can pick a subject you have a passion for and become a tutor. The biggest pro about tutoring is that you can still have a flexible schedule and do it during your free time. However, there are also a few cons to this job. The biggest one is that you’re choosing to do it independently, so you’ll need to market yourself and attract your own clients.
Final Thoughts
Being a stay-at-home mom is a wonderful thing. No matter what people say, it is you who can choose to be with your kids all the time.
Sure, earning money as a stay-at-home mom can be hard and challenging at times. But it also has so many good sides. The best one of all is that you won’t miss any of the important moments in your kids’ lives. And this particular benefit gives me so much strength to go on every single day.
The bottom line is that while you are a stay-at-home mom, there are so many different ways to earn money. I wrote about things I did (or tried – like being a tutor), and I hope you have found encouragement in my words.
Remember, mom, you can do anything! So be brave, believe in yourself, and think about your kids. That will give you the courage to change your life and the strength to do everything you dreamt about!

Dragana is a freelance writer. She is also a mom of 3-year-old twins – a boy and a girl. She recently started a blog, called “Lost in freelancing” where she shares her experiences with the freelance and blogging world. She dreams to become a full-time blogger and helping other stay-at-home moms to achieve their dreams. She enjoys being a stay-at-home mom and be always there for her kids! You can see her blog on, or follow her on Pinterest – and Twitter –!
BTW mom, if you don’t want to miss any smart money tips be sure to get on the list by clicking the link below.
Great ideas! Even if you want a side hustle 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! I tried to show the best ideas for stay-at-home moms to earn some money while they are home with their kids. As you said, it can be a side hustle, too 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I’ll be exploring some.
I am glad you liked it! I hope my post will be helpful for you! Best of luck!
Great ideas and tips on making money while carrying for the family and managing the home. Good stuff.
Thank you! I am glad I can help! Being home with your kids and earning money is a great thing!
These ideas are becoming more popular by the day. I have been in and out of the blogging world since 2012. I love it!! I have found that there are so many ways to earn money and other perks by being a blogger.
Exactly! There are so many perks to being a blogger. The best thing is that you can earn money and have a flexible schedule, as we really need it when we have little kids at home!
Great ideas, I’m looking to make it my lifetime job. Hopefully, it will be easy for me. Thank you for sharig these ideas!
Wish you the best of luck with it! I hope my post will be helpful for you!
Great post on such a highly searched topic! I feel like everyone is trying to earn extra money from home in these challenging times. The cost of living is so high these days. Great suggestions here.
Exactly! I tried to give the best tips for all stay-at-home moms out there! Hard work and being patient are very important when you try to make money from home. We just have to believe in ourselves!
Great ideas! I’ve been learning about affiliate marketing this year, too.
Thank you! I hope you have enjoyed my post! And I wish you the best of luck with affiliate marketing! It is such a great way to earn money while you are at home!
These are some great suggestions. Each of these can provide some income. Each takes a lot of work to be successful for sure. Thank you for sharing this post. ☺️
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
Thank you for reading it and taking your time to comment! You are totally right, each of these jobs takes a lot of work, but in the end, results can be great!
Great tips, thank you for creating the post. I recently signed up to be a tutor, so hopefully, it will make me some ££. Not a mama but I am keen to start working from home full time in the next 3 years, I am sure your tips will help me out!
Thanks for your comment and I am very happy you found my tips useful! Wish you the best of luck with tutoring and hopefully, you will accomplish your dream to work from home very soon!
These are great ways to earn extra income. I love blogging and its a great way to make some extra cash.
Hey and thanks for your comment! I love blogging too and if you can make a good match and do what you love and earn some money, it is such a great thing!
This is a great post! I’m going to share it with my stay at home mom friends.
Thank you!!! It makes me very happy when I can help all fellow stay-at-home moms out there! 🙂
Selling things online is such a good tip! It’s such a good way to earn some money by selling things you don’t use anymore.