Do you enjoy the sound of a ringing alarm clock?
Does it rescue you from all of that lazy, good-for-nothing, time-wasting sleep you’ve been doing all night?
Are you excited to jump out of bed every day, rush through your morning routine, and make a mad dash to get to work on time?
Then, once you arrive, does your boss greet you with a warm smile?
Does he or she treat you with plenty of respect and shower you with praise for all the hard work you do?
So, of course, now you’re feeling so valued and appreciated that you just can’t wait to jump into another glorious day of doing the work you love so much, right?
Well, if you’re anything like me, your answer would be “HECK NO” to all of the above!
I’ll admit that most of my working life has been just the opposite of glorious.
And by the way, I LOATHE the sound of alarm clocks!
Especially when they jolt me awake from my peaceful sleep, just to remind me that I will spend the next 8-12 hours of my life working for somebody else.
I used to think the problem was that I just needed to find my dream job.
But after finally landing a job that I’d been trying to get for years, I realized that I still have to work on their schedule, follow their rules, and answer to other people.
So, now I’m wondering…
Table of Contents
Do Dream Jobs Really Exist?
What do you think?
Yes! No! Maybe so?
I guess it all boils down to perspective.
For instance, what is your idea of a DREAM job? And, can any job live up to your expectations?
In my case, as an RN, I’ve faced demanding workloads, grueling shifts, petty backstabbing, and company politics.
That’s why burnout was almost inevitable. And needless to say, my perspective of my job was not very favorable.
So, I spent 10+ years trying to get to my dream nursing job. It involved working from home while helping patients stay on track with their health when they’re not in the hospital.
Then one day, it happened!
I finally got the job the I had been longing for! And yes, it is a good job!
However, it didn’t turn out to be the fairy tale position that I had envisioned.
But, in all fairness, it’s not the job that’s the problem — it’s me!
I finally realized that there is no “dream job” for me, that involves working for other people.
That was an eye-opening revelation!

I don’t want to spend my life trapped in a job working for someone else. I want to be my own boss!
Even though doing my own thing is scary, I know that it’s even scarier not to pursue my goal and create my own dream job.
The cool thing is that as an entrepreneur, I still get to help people in a different area of health — their financial health.
Since I’m now 100% debt-free, I’m using what I’ve learned to help other people do the same thing and build my business.
So far, it has been challenging, fun, time-consuming, frustrating, and overwhelming!
But hands down, it’s been AMAZING!
At the moment, my business is still just a side-hustle. But the important thing is that I started!
And every day, I’m inching closer and closer to being able to do what I enjoy and finally have total control over myself and my day!
Now I’m going to share some motivational quotes and a few incentives that will hopefully spark you into action.
Motivational Quotes: Dreams

Incentive #1 Because You Crave Independence
This has definitely become one of my favorite motivational quotes about being your own boss.
As it turns out, many psychologists believe that our quest for independence begins as children.
For instance, you’ve probably seen those incidents where a screaming child throws a major fit because their mom wants them to stand over here.
But the child’s fiercely rebellious nature wants themself to stand over there.
Some people may label that behavior as a tantrum.
But what if it’s more than that?
What if, as children, we’re not afraid to unleash our intense fight for independence.
And perhaps that burning desire to do our own thing doesn’t ever fully go away.
It only gets brushed aside as we get older, especially once we enter the workforce.
That’s because we’re taught to believe that a W-2 income is the most sensible way to make a living.
But, what if you’re not happy with your sensible job?
And, what if you are sick and tired of being at the mercy of unfit, unfair, or inconsiderate bosses.
Think about it. They have the authority to make unilateral decisions about your daily assignment, department, or workload on a whim. (Nevermind what you think!)
That burns me up!
And, since you work for them, like it or not, you don’t have any real say-so in the matter.

Your only options are to either quit, grin-and-bear-it, or speak up and risk becoming a target for your supervisor’s anger.
Who needs that aggravation!
So here’s your push. It’s time to do your own thing!
Just imagine the freedom and joy you’ll have when you can:
- Choose which projects you want to work on.
- Decide when, where, and how many hours you want to work.
- Don’t have to worry about reporting to anyone.
- Sleep in late if you wish.
- Work from the comfort of your backyard lounge chair or while vacationing in Hawaii.
Now if that’s not enough motivation then I don’t know what is!
Motivational Quotes: Time

Incentive #2 Your Time Has Value
When it comes to motivational quotes about the value of time, this is such a powerful one!
Have you ever stopped to consider just how much of your time you spend working?
Here’s some perspective for you. Working full-time 40 hours = 2,400 minutes per week.
Now multiply that by 48 weeks (subtracting about 4 weeks for paid time off).
That means your job swallows up approximately 115,200 minutes of your life Every – Single – Year!
Now, imagine spending all those precious minutes of your life doing something that you don’t enjoy. Or even worse, something that you hate!
That’s not only sad, but it’s also Tragic!
Sure, you have a job! AND perhaps it pays the bills! BUT doesn’t the quality of your work-life matter too?
Here’s what I mean. I had a former nurse colleague who came to work every day mad at the world.
From the moment she arrived until the end of her shift, she was argumentative, moody and wouldn’t lift a finger to do anything extra to help out her co-workers.
I remember asking another co-worker, why does she work here if she’s so unhappy?
Of course, I do understand needing money. I mean, who doesn’t need money?
But my perspective is that:
Life is too darn short to trade your time for money on a job that makes you MISERABLE!
Put it this way, think about how much happier you and EVERYONE around you would be if you were doing something that you actually enjoy.
Because then you would be able to:
- Provide more value by doing something that you enjoy.
- Display a more positive attitude toward your work.
- Feel more motivated to do the work.
- Enjoy life more in general.
- Be more productive.
- Have a better chance of living longer.
But here’s the fascinating thing, studies show that people who actually enjoy their work tend to earn higher salaries.
“Now, that’s what you’d call IRONIC”
~ Ragetti, Pirates of the Caribbean
So what are you thinking so far about being your own boss?
If you still need more convincing, this next one will get you for sure!
Motivational Quotes: Freedom

Incentive #3 You’re Tired of Feeling Like A Hostage
I had to add this truth bomb to my motivational quotes list?
Because I know first-hand that sometimes having a job can feel like a hostage situation!
Seriously, from the moment your scheduled shift begins, you’re now on company time!
And they control your life for the next 8, 10, 12 hours or more.
Case in point:
- Scenario #1. You receive a call at work from your child’s school. You find out that your child is injured and needs to be picked up now. So, you notify your supervisor.
And they tell you to wait while they figure out who can cover your shift. WHAT!#? Meanwhile, your anxiety level is going through the roof.
- Scenario #2. You’re at the end of a long hard shift. You are mentally and physically drained and barely able to keep standing.
You’ve been counting the minutes until you get off work. Then, just as your shift is almost over, your supervisor approaches with a last-minute task for you to complete before you leave.
Or, perhaps they tell you that your relief staff has called in sick or is running late, and you can’t leave until your replacement arrives. What the #!@? do you mean I can’t leave?
As a nurse, I have definitely been trapped at work and unable to leave because the backup didn’t show up.
It always made me feel like a prisoner being forced to work against my will.
I did understand the situation. But after 12 exhausting hours working the night shift, my body and mind would start shutting down.
And under those circumstances, I didn’t feel mentally fit to continue to provide safe care.
But to them, it didn’t matter! You either stay and wait, or leave and risk being reported to the state for patient abandonment.
So basically, you are being forced to work, or you risk losing your job and maybe even your license.
Now, how’s that for incentive?
The best way to never find yourself in a situation like these is to Be Your Own Boss!
Then you can:
- Make your own schedule!
- Pick up your child whenever you need to!
- Take a break without asking for permission or waiting for approval from anyone!
Motivational Quotes: Life

Final Incentive, #4 Tomorrow Isn’t Promised
I like motivational quotes because they get straight to the point.! And this one delivers just the right smack upside the head that most of us need.
It reminds me of an interesting article that I read, which talked about what happens when you put things off.
It said something like, don’t say you’ll start tomorrow OR that you’ll start later because those are just code words for NEVER!
And one of the biggest challenges people face is the courage to take the first step.
So whenever you find yourself doubting whether or not you should consider being your own boss, ask yourself these 3 questions:
- Do you crave job independence?
- Is your time valuable?
- Are you tired of not having the freedom you need in your work life?
If you answered yes to any one of those questions, then you already have enough incentive.
You just need to take the first step!
Now, that doesn’t mean that you should go to your boss and quit your job immediately. It just means to take action.
You can start small by trying a side hustle like starting a blog. I even created this post with step by step instructions for anyone who doesn’t have a clue how to do that.
Or, try to think of something that you enjoy, can do in your spare time, and provides a service that people are willing to pay for.
The Bottom line
Finding your dream job may or may not be possible.
But creating your dream job is doable!
Stop being held hostage, and waiting for approval from others to take care of the things that matter to you the most.
Remember, you have all the incentive and motivation you need to go from being a wantrepreneur to an entrepreneur!
So what is the biggest challenge holding you back from taking your first step?
This post was really inspirational, there are too mant of us living a life we hate for the money sake. We keep waiting for the weekend to be happy but how is that people settle for being unhappy five days out of a week of seven?
Yes, it is hard to make the leap, not only for financial reason but also for the fear of risking your reputation and having people questioning your sanity for trying something “new” instead of sticking with someting “safe”.
It is hard but I believe is doable!
Hi Carla,
So true, making the leap can be hard. But I’ve learned it’s better to take the leap and try then, to watch life pass you by. I want to encourage people not to settle. And to stop living in misery.
This really is a great post. I’m at that stage where I’m tired of someone else benefiting financially from my knowledge and experience. I’m just not feeling fulfilled and I don’t want to waste 20-30 years of my life just for them to let me go days before retirement like they’ve been doing recently at my employer. I will have to save this post to come back to so I can make the transition right into something more fulfilling. I know the value of my time!
Hi Josh,
I understand your frustration. And just think of what a shame it is to spend such a significant portion of your life with a job that doesn’t make you happy. I know it’s scary to take a leap of faith and do your own thing but perhaps you can just take a first step instead of a complete dive. Thanks for your comment and do drop by again.
Thank you for inspiring me to work harder on my blog.
Your welcome!
I want to encourage people not to waste any more time and to start pursuing your goals now because our time has value. And time keeps doesn’t wait for us to get ready! 🙂
Girl, you ain’t lyin when you say blogging is “time-consuming.” And here I was, thinking all i had to do was write posts and that’s it lol. Boy, was I WRONG lol!
But it is the single most awesome “job” I’ve ever done! It’s more of a fun hobby that I love learning about (there’s so much to it!). And I get to earn money doing it! WIN!
LOL DaLorean!
I thought the same thing about just write some posts and it’s all good! But you live and learn! Keep on winning girl!
Blogging is soo time consuming.
I left my job a year and half ago to run my blog and my outdoor influencer business. It’s been an up and down whirlwind, filled with sacrifice but it’s been SOOO worth it.
Great article!
Thanks Nicole,
And yes it is definitely worth it, especially when you get to create something and do what you enjoy! Love your site btw!
I love the second quote about loosing time! It is sooo true!
Yes indeed, because time is precious and once it’s gone…it’s gone!
Love the last one. Perfect for hustling Mamas who want to make their lives a role model for all of us.
Absolutely! Thanks for reading!
I love all of these ideas! Being a blogger or any business owner is tough work!! But ultimately so rewarding!
I agree whole-heartedly on both points! And thanks so much for reading!
Loved the article… i am a lawyer pondering whether i should start up my own practice…this article is really inspiring and spot on…
Thank you so much! It is hard to let go of a steady income that’s for sure! But it’s also hard to spend 8 hours or more of your day in a job that doesn’t fulfill your emotional needs as well. Happy pondering! 🙂
These are great quotes! Being your own boss comes with a lot of perks but it’s not always easy to pull it off. You really have to be focused on your success and stay motivated to make it happen.
Yes, so true! It is not always an easy journey, but when it’s what you’re called to do it’s definitely worth the time and effort!
I’m glad I clicked on this post. It’s always good to meet a fellow nurse. After working twenty-five years in nursing, I’m leaving the end of January. I’m very burnt out and need to do something different. I’m hoping to make a living blogging and writing. I’ve got two active blogs and I keep working away on them. I may have to do something in the mean time, but I’ll see how it goes. It feels wonderful to be working on something that gives me such joy and I’m excited to learn about. I’ve been self teaching myself so much. I know it’s a risk Thanks for putting yourself out there and sharing with others.
Hi, Sabrina, it is good to come across a fellow nurse in the blogosphere. I totally understand your burnout and I’ve experienced it for years! Good job being able to leave in January. I’m nearly there myself but trying to hang on just a few more months if I can, lol. #thestruggleisreal
Your style is very unique in comparison to other people I have read stuff from.
Thanks for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this web site.